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  • Writer's pictureArtah Yamin

Book Review: A Crazy Kind of Love by Mary Ann Marlowe

The book’s description: Celebrities hold zero interest for photographer Jo Wilder. That's a problem, since snapping pics of the stars is how the pretty paparazza pays the rent. So when Jo attempts to catch a money shot atop the broad shoulders of a helpful bystander, the only thing she notices about the stranger she straddles is that he's seriously hot. Only later does Jo learn that he's also Micah Sinclair--one of rock's notorious bad boys...

Soon Jo is on the verge of getting fired for missing a Micah Sinclair exclusive. Until she's suddenly being pursued by the heartthrob himself. But how can she be sure the musician's mind-blowing kisses are the real deal? Her colleagues claim he's a media whore, gambling on some free PR. But something has Jo hoping Micah's feeling the same powerful pull that she does. A pull so strong, she can't resist becoming his latest love, even if it means she might become the media's latest victim . . .

This book!!

Seriously though, this book!!! I. Loved. It.

It’s been so long since I’ve read a book where I felt connected to it–the characters and plot– that I almost thought I was losing my love for contemporary books. But nope! I just needed the right book, and oh man, was this book it.

This was the second book I read of Mary Ann Marlowe’s works, the first being Kind of Famous; but this one just hit the spot more. The protagonist, Jo, showed up in Kind of Famous and I loved her so much that I was psyched when I learned she had her own story!

Jo is fantastic. I just had this instant pull to her. I loved her sweet personality. She’s mature, understanding, and ever-thoughtful. Not to mention, she’s one of the few characters I read who is morally driven. It’s also important to mention that Jo is a type 1 diabetic, which was a first for me to read about in a character. I enjoyed learning about the lifestyle she had and the daily routines she had to go through in order to keep her insulin at the right amount. Despite her circumstance though, she didn’t let it get in the way of her life. Jo knew her worth and loved herself the way she was, which made me love her even more.

Now Micah! Sweet charming Micah! I fell for him so hard. I loved the big ol’ flirt and his commitment to Jo. He’s a lovely human being. Even though he was famous and well known among the music industry, he was still humble and kind to everyone around him. I personally loved how he interacted with the paparazzi and his fans! The way he was around others just added so much more to his personality and my adoration for him.

Now together, the two, Jo and Michael, were perfect. I couldn’t pick a better person for Jo to end up with than Michael. They complimented each other’s parts well and had sizzling chemistry. Even despite working in an industry that can create havoc in one’s life, they didn’t let it take a toll on their relationship. Jo and Micah worked together for their relationship; they were both in it for the ride.

Overall, this beautiful love story pulled me out of my reading slump with its compelling writing, story, and relatable characters. Now, I can only hope to find another book just as good.


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